Welcome to 2022

I’m sure we can agree that the last 20+ months have been out of the ordinary, right?


A quick rehash.

I had big plans for 2020 and signed up for an online writing course that didn’t work out. Totally my own fault. I got lazy and neglected to take advantage of the resources and community it offered. However, I did come to terms with the fact that I’m not self-motivated and need someone to crack the whip over my head. Expensive lesson learned.

2021 started off on a rough note. I had to find a new job and we lost our mom. Enough about that. But I did refocus on my writing and have only missed writing two days since November 3 (and yes, I am absolutely using this blog post for today).

So, 2022.

I’m not making any resolutions or goals or whatever. I do not keep them. Another lesson learned from 2020’s online class (this one was a freebie).

I can only do my best and see what happens.